
6th European Workshop on Bio-Inspired Heuristics for Design Automation

evohot focuses on innovative heuristics, game theory and bio-inspired techniques (eg. EA, SA, AIS, NN, ants) applied to the Electronic Design Automation.

The workshop goal is to show the latest developments; industrial experiences; successful attempts to evolve rather than design new solutions; hybridizations of traditional methodologies.

Areas of Interest and Contributions

evohot topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Analog circuit design
  • Automatic test pattern generation
  • Built-in self test
  • Evolutionary design of electronic circuits
  • Evolutionary hardware design methodologies
  • Evolutionary robotics
  • Evolvable hardware
  • Floorplanning
  • Hardware/Software co-design
  • Hybrid evolutionary/exact approach
  • Hardware accelerated methodologies
  • Logic synthesis
  • Routing
  • Test program generation

Publication Details

Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of evo*, published in a volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, which will be available at the Conference.

Submission Details

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The authors of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of the reviewers’ comments and will be asked to send a camera ready version of their manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted work has to register for the conference and attend the conference and present the work.

The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information about the authors in the submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in Springer LNCS format.

submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evoapps11/
page limit: 10 pages

Important Dates

new submission deadline: 13 december 2010
notification to authors: 14 january 2011
camera-ready deadline: 5 february 2011
evo* event:
27-29 april 2011

Program Chairs

Giovanni Squillero
Politecnico di Torino

Rolf Drechsler
Universität Bremen

Programme Committee